Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne products containing sulfur and removing acne stains

Because the back has thousands of pores it is very possible for acne to develop. Back acne can be any of the following: pimples, blackheads, whiteheads or cysts. Unfortunately, these conditions can be more severe and more difficult to treat than facial acne. For some, back acne can even be painful or itchy.
You may be concerned that you actually have something other than genital acne - perhaps an STD like herpes or genital warts. This is possible if you are sexually active, and the only way to know for sure it to have your doctor examine you. Yes, this is uncomfortable and a bit embarrassing, but it's much better to be certain. Once you have had an exam, and you are sure it is genital acne; you can find a way to treat it.
First of all, it is important that you understand the difference between acne and rosacea before you decide whether acne treatments or rosacea treatments are right for you. While many people confuse the two skin problems, they are actually quite difference. Rosacea is a problem that leads to swelling, redness, and even breakouts on the face. However, acne is a common problem that involves pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and even cystic breakouts.
tags: skin care acne cosmetic, home remedies to get redness out of acne, top acne cures and treatments

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