Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne products that work and how to clear acne

Cucumber in the form of paste is efficient in refreshing your skin affected by Acne.
Understand and appreciate the reason that a person with acne must plan to frequently wash his or her face. The oil on the face can clog pores. The chemicals on the face can irritate the facial skin. Those factors help to trigger the appearance of acne.
When your pores are blocked, and the bacterias that have all the time exist in your pores and skin will feast on the mixture. In other words they will try to survive a little bit longer by consuming the sebum, which is a kind of oil. The bacterias will then infect your pores and cause acne breakouts.
tags: homemade solutions on to get rid of acne fast, best acne treatment, acne home remedies

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